静茹, 我们1月5日在BERJAYA TIMES SQUARE 六楼见啦!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
J' Adore 静茹
真的很久没写BLOG了。 手都已经快要麻了, 打字也变慢了。 哈哈。。。 最近真的很忙很忙因为年未了, 很多DEADLINE。。。 而且不懂为什么最近我也很早就出门所以都没机会遇见他。 除了去FF之外基本上其他的时间都没看到他了。 哈哈。。。 也许他也很忙吧!! =P
今天觉得很开心因为。。。 我又在那路口遇见他了!! 虽然不是很长的一段路但已足够让我的一天变的更美好更灿烂!! =D
Ehm。。。 其实前阵子在FF遇上了ARW!! SINCE他去了AMSTERDAM,真的有一段时间没联络了。 刚开始真的有一点惊喜为什么他会在FF运动! 过后才知道他回来MSIA是为了要办些出入境的事情。 过后还约一起吃饭和看戏, 真的有点意料不到呢!! 哈哈!! 更他聊了很多, 也见识了很多。。
CONCLUSION,觉得这个朋友真的很不错, 很有自己的想法。 我在他的身上学到很多人生的体验, 也开阔了我的眼界。 真的有点羡慕他能够自由自在的活出自己的人生! 突然觉得人生不能再模模糊糊, 毫没人生目标的就完了。。 必须充实一下自己, 吸取多地知识, 提早做好准备去面对即将来临的挑战!! 很可是他已经回去了, 相处的时间虽然不是很长, 但是依然祝福他可以梦想成真啦!!
很开心, 觉得人生本来就应该如此的快乐, 如此的美好!! 很期待新的一年不懂会有怎样的变化呢?? 希望所有都是美好的。。。 =P
今天觉得很开心因为。。。 我又在那路口遇见他了!! 虽然不是很长的一段路但已足够让我的一天变的更美好更灿烂!! =D
Ehm。。。 其实前阵子在FF遇上了ARW!! SINCE他去了AMSTERDAM,真的有一段时间没联络了。 刚开始真的有一点惊喜为什么他会在FF运动! 过后才知道他回来MSIA是为了要办些出入境的事情。 过后还约一起吃饭和看戏, 真的有点意料不到呢!! 哈哈!! 更他聊了很多, 也见识了很多。。
CONCLUSION,觉得这个朋友真的很不错, 很有自己的想法。 我在他的身上学到很多人生的体验, 也开阔了我的眼界。 真的有点羡慕他能够自由自在的活出自己的人生! 突然觉得人生不能再模模糊糊, 毫没人生目标的就完了。。 必须充实一下自己, 吸取多地知识, 提早做好准备去面对即将来临的挑战!! 很可是他已经回去了, 相处的时间虽然不是很长, 但是依然祝福他可以梦想成真啦!!
很开心, 觉得人生本来就应该如此的快乐, 如此的美好!! 很期待新的一年不懂会有怎样的变化呢?? 希望所有都是美好的。。。 =P
Friday, October 19, 2007
10月19日, 星期五, 下午5时08分, 晴天
也许是我的多心, 他根本就没有留意过我。。。
有时候我们可能真的会做出一些很无聊和很傻的事情, 可能过后会觉得后悔也可能过了一段时间之后回想起会觉得很无知很好笑。 无论结果是怎样, 时间不会停留也不可能倒回, 我们只可以活在当前, 好好的去享受生命的美好!!
我绝对相信缘分地, 如果我们真的有缘, 总有一天会再相遇会一起的, 就算我是习惯向左走, 他习惯向右走。。。 一定会。。。
有时候我们可能真的会做出一些很无聊和很傻的事情, 可能过后会觉得后悔也可能过了一段时间之后回想起会觉得很无知很好笑。 无论结果是怎样, 时间不会停留也不可能倒回, 我们只可以活在当前, 好好的去享受生命的美好!!
我绝对相信缘分地, 如果我们真的有缘, 总有一天会再相遇会一起的, 就算我是习惯向左走, 他习惯向右走。。。 一定会。。。
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
10月16日, 星期二, 下午4时55分, 雨天
差一点忘记, 原来今年的生日我还没有吹蜡烛, 吃蛋糕。。。
今年的生日过的很孤单, 虽然SY在身边但是他却忘记陪我过生日。
还记得4年前的生日, 你是买了一束玫瑰, 一个蛋糕和画了一张卡片送给我的。 卡片里是写上了你的祝福和爱意, 包涵了你的心细。
4年后的同一天在同一个地点你却什么都没做。。。只是静静的在看电视。 我还需要说什么呢? 我并不是在乎什么礼物, 花或者卡片而是你充心的祝福和陪伴。。。
今年的生日过的很孤单, 虽然SY在身边但是他却忘记陪我过生日。
还记得4年前的生日, 你是买了一束玫瑰, 一个蛋糕和画了一张卡片送给我的。 卡片里是写上了你的祝福和爱意, 包涵了你的心细。
4年后的同一天在同一个地点你却什么都没做。。。只是静静的在看电视。 我还需要说什么呢? 我并不是在乎什么礼物, 花或者卡片而是你充心的祝福和陪伴。。。
10月16日, 星期二, 下午3时37分, 雨天
已经过了3天的假期, 你到那里去了? 回家乡吗? 还是去了那里"吃风"呢? 应该会是一个很愉快的假期吧!! 真的羡慕死旁人啦!! 我的假期就是去了FF, 吃饭, 看CSI和做睡美人咯!! 每天都是重复的做着同样的东西。 我既然可以从晚上9点睡到早上的9点!!! 厉害吧? 没办法啦, 又没地方去, 又没拖拍, 当然在家做猪咯。。。
本想在假期可以多点时间跟SY拍拍拖, 看套戏, 吃下饭, 那里知道他还要忙于工作, 连陪我吃饭的时间都没, 还要说拍拖?? 到他有空的时候, 他又说要回家吃饭,休息。 就这样我一个人过了一个无聊和漫长的假期了。。。。
"亲爱的, 不要哭, 不用伤心, 一定要勇敢一点!! 一个人也可以活得很精彩啊!! 顺其自然吧, 不用勉强自己, 如果命运安排了是属于你的, 更悠远的距离都会遇得上, 同样的如果注定了不是你的, 就算是短短的0。1公分的距离你都不会察觉到他的存在。 可能开始的时候会有一点不习惯, 但是我知道终有一天你可以再重新出发, 向自己的理想前进, 努力奋斗!! 加油哦!"
本想在假期可以多点时间跟SY拍拍拖, 看套戏, 吃下饭, 那里知道他还要忙于工作, 连陪我吃饭的时间都没, 还要说拍拖?? 到他有空的时候, 他又说要回家吃饭,休息。 就这样我一个人过了一个无聊和漫长的假期了。。。。
"亲爱的, 不要哭, 不用伤心, 一定要勇敢一点!! 一个人也可以活得很精彩啊!! 顺其自然吧, 不用勉强自己, 如果命运安排了是属于你的, 更悠远的距离都会遇得上, 同样的如果注定了不是你的, 就算是短短的0。1公分的距离你都不会察觉到他的存在。 可能开始的时候会有一点不习惯, 但是我知道终有一天你可以再重新出发, 向自己的理想前进, 努力奋斗!! 加油哦!"
Thursday, October 11, 2007
10月11日, 星期四, 早上10时36分, 不想说话的一天
已经很久没POST了, 一半是因为太忙了 (其实是懒惰才对), 另外一半是因为已经很久很久没再见到他了。。。 已经有超过3个星期没在那路口遇上他了, 还以为他失踪了!! 哈哈。。。 都是我不好了, 又迟到又塞车, 都不守时!! 可能缘分已经差不多了吧!! 哈哈。。。
最近的心情很混乱,很慌张。 有很多时候真的不懂在做什么, 整天在发呆, 无论在公司也好, 在FF也好都是在不清醒的状况!! 甚至连驾驶也是朦朦胧胧!! 昨天还撞到别人的车!! 还好不是撞到很离普, 车没事。 但是人当然是吓倒啦, 吓倒不是因为撞车而是因为不知道究竟发生了什么事? 为什么会那么的不小心? 为什么会发呆? 究竟在想什么嘛? 很失落!! 每天上班都是傻傻的, BLUR BLUR的!!
今早终于遇到他的车了, 就在那路口的上一点点。 熟悉的车牌, 陌生的背后!! 有时候真的很讨厌自己那么的顽固和幼稚, 他只不过是一个陌生人啊, 为什么可以对他感兴趣呢? 是一见钟情嘛? 还是一时冲动呢? 难道我们不需要点时间了解下对方才可以对对方有感觉吗? 好象有点浮~ 依然犹豫是否一见钟情会坚实, 会折旧吗?
真的有点累了, 不想再为不实在, 没安全感的爱情操劳了!! 很想快点可以遇到适合自己的真命天子, 建立属于我们的安乐窝, 开开心心过着安定的生活。。。 (^。^)
最近的心情很混乱,很慌张。 有很多时候真的不懂在做什么, 整天在发呆, 无论在公司也好, 在FF也好都是在不清醒的状况!! 甚至连驾驶也是朦朦胧胧!! 昨天还撞到别人的车!! 还好不是撞到很离普, 车没事。 但是人当然是吓倒啦, 吓倒不是因为撞车而是因为不知道究竟发生了什么事? 为什么会那么的不小心? 为什么会发呆? 究竟在想什么嘛? 很失落!! 每天上班都是傻傻的, BLUR BLUR的!!
今早终于遇到他的车了, 就在那路口的上一点点。 熟悉的车牌, 陌生的背后!! 有时候真的很讨厌自己那么的顽固和幼稚, 他只不过是一个陌生人啊, 为什么可以对他感兴趣呢? 是一见钟情嘛? 还是一时冲动呢? 难道我们不需要点时间了解下对方才可以对对方有感觉吗? 好象有点浮~ 依然犹豫是否一见钟情会坚实, 会折旧吗?
真的有点累了, 不想再为不实在, 没安全感的爱情操劳了!! 很想快点可以遇到适合自己的真命天子, 建立属于我们的安乐窝, 开开心心过着安定的生活。。。 (^。^)
Monday, September 24, 2007
9月24日 (倒数2天), 上午1时50分, 晴天
今晚就要回家乡了。。。 真的很开心因为我弟也会从新加坡回来过中秋! 已经很久没看到他了, 很想念他喔!! 不懂他人在新加坡过得好吗? 有没有瘦到呢? 哈哈。。。 很期待明晚再次点灯笼和点蜡烛了!!! 很想快点下班啊! =D
中秋有要到了!! 刚好隔天又是我的生日所以SY就陪我回咯。 但是可能我真的老了, 已经对生日没什么兴奋了反而可以回家见见家人, 陪陪老母更加欢乐。。。 回想起去年的中秋也是过的很开心, 还记得我是跟BRENDA一起过的, 玩的蛮开心蛮疯狂的。 可是今年有一种很想回老家过的感觉。 还记得以前读书的时候过中秋好像没什么意义的, 只是多一天的假期咯!! 哈哈。。。 还有就是会有很多很多小孩拿着漂亮的灯笼到处走, 满街都挂着五颜六色的灯笼。 当然不能少了那可爱的"猪笼饼"和月饼啦!!
今天我迟大到啊所以没遇上他。 有一点失望因为过后两天都不会见到他了! 最快也要等到星期四的早上或者晚上。 咳。。。 有时候JON讲得对, 他真的有那么大的影响力嘛? 真的不见到他就会很DOWN嘛? 那为什么还不敢出声跟他SAY HI呢? 真的那么难开口嘛? 其实我也是想啊可是有时候不是你说做就做啊!! 我们已经是成年人了, 不能再任性和冲动了, 有很多事情不是说讲那么简单的, 要考虑到过后的后果我们是否可以接受!! 我很清楚自己的处境和身份, 讲了又可以怎样呢? 难道要别人等我, 要他为了我而痛苦嘛? 我真的不希望有任何人因为我的贪心而受到伤害! 所以就算有喜欢的对象也只能将那分喜欢埋藏在心內的一个角落直到我感受到有100%的肯定才会告诉他。 也许是因为害怕再去爱一个人了。。。
今天实在太忙了, 本来下午写好的BLOG要等到现在才有空POST上去。 都已经7点11分了, 刚好交代清楚我手上的文件因为我会ON LEAVE两天嘛!! 要有一点责任感嘛!! 哈哈。。。
要回家了咯!!!!!!! =P
还有要预先祝贺自己HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 生日快乐!! 希望我可以梦想成真, 开开心心, 快快乐乐。。。
中秋有要到了!! 刚好隔天又是我的生日所以SY就陪我回咯。 但是可能我真的老了, 已经对生日没什么兴奋了反而可以回家见见家人, 陪陪老母更加欢乐。。。 回想起去年的中秋也是过的很开心, 还记得我是跟BRENDA一起过的, 玩的蛮开心蛮疯狂的。 可是今年有一种很想回老家过的感觉。 还记得以前读书的时候过中秋好像没什么意义的, 只是多一天的假期咯!! 哈哈。。。 还有就是会有很多很多小孩拿着漂亮的灯笼到处走, 满街都挂着五颜六色的灯笼。 当然不能少了那可爱的"猪笼饼"和月饼啦!!
今天我迟大到啊所以没遇上他。 有一点失望因为过后两天都不会见到他了! 最快也要等到星期四的早上或者晚上。 咳。。。 有时候JON讲得对, 他真的有那么大的影响力嘛? 真的不见到他就会很DOWN嘛? 那为什么还不敢出声跟他SAY HI呢? 真的那么难开口嘛? 其实我也是想啊可是有时候不是你说做就做啊!! 我们已经是成年人了, 不能再任性和冲动了, 有很多事情不是说讲那么简单的, 要考虑到过后的后果我们是否可以接受!! 我很清楚自己的处境和身份, 讲了又可以怎样呢? 难道要别人等我, 要他为了我而痛苦嘛? 我真的不希望有任何人因为我的贪心而受到伤害! 所以就算有喜欢的对象也只能将那分喜欢埋藏在心內的一个角落直到我感受到有100%的肯定才会告诉他。 也许是因为害怕再去爱一个人了。。。
今天实在太忙了, 本来下午写好的BLOG要等到现在才有空POST上去。 都已经7点11分了, 刚好交代清楚我手上的文件因为我会ON LEAVE两天嘛!! 要有一点责任感嘛!! 哈哈。。。
要回家了咯!!!!!!! =P
还有要预先祝贺自己HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 生日快乐!! 希望我可以梦想成真, 开开心心, 快快乐乐。。。
Friday, September 21, 2007
9月21日 (倒数5天), 星期五, 早上10时30分, 多云
今天早了5分钟出门就没遇上他了。。。加上又没塞车又不用等红录灯,一下子就到了那条路口。 我还去按钱呢也没有拖延我的时间太多。 有点失望和没心情。。。 有时候真的搞不懂自己在想什么!! 为什么我会那么想见到他呢? 我们都不算认识啊? 平常见到面都只是笑一笑而已! 又不知他有没有女朋友啦甚至结婚了没?? 我所认识的他就只是在FF的他, 每星期只见面一两次, 话也没多说几句。。
真的很怕我真的喜欢上他了!! 一直以来我都以为自己只是玩玩而已,对他的感觉只是一瞬间的贪玩和新鲜感但是为什么有时候会想起他, 想见到他呢? 一开始就只是想同他做个朋友, 觉得这个男孩都不错可能我们会有共同的话题和兴趣咧!! 但是此终都没勇气踏出第一步。
希望这一次我不会再那么傻做出主动的那个因为很害怕再次受到伤害! 已经不能再受任何刺激了。。。 我答应过我自己一定要好好的爱惜自己, 不再让自己再伤心再难过。 =)
真的很怕我真的喜欢上他了!! 一直以来我都以为自己只是玩玩而已,对他的感觉只是一瞬间的贪玩和新鲜感但是为什么有时候会想起他, 想见到他呢? 一开始就只是想同他做个朋友, 觉得这个男孩都不错可能我们会有共同的话题和兴趣咧!! 但是此终都没勇气踏出第一步。
希望这一次我不会再那么傻做出主动的那个因为很害怕再次受到伤害! 已经不能再受任何刺激了。。。 我答应过我自己一定要好好的爱惜自己, 不再让自己再伤心再难过。 =)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
9月20日 (倒数6天), 星期四, 早上10时03分, 多云
还以为今天我迟到会遇不到他但很神奇的,我竟然在那同样的路口见到他的车!! 而且还在他的前面! 哈哈。。。 如果每一天都能遇上他就好了。 但没所谓啦, 就算早上没遇到他晚上到FF都可以看到他, 都是一样的~ =D 很开心啊~~~
昨晚下班不久就接到LUCY的电话, 电话里的她有点"SHOT SHOT"底, 又说什么新形象, 受了什么刺激。。。 真的有点担心这个傻女!! 竟然问我有没有兴趣唱K!! (-.-)" 于是我们就去了1U的NEWAY, 一唱就唱到凌晨一点!! 所以现在是超级的眼睡, 超级的BLUR。。。 EHM。。。 我们什么歌都点; 马来歌, 英文歌, 话语歌, 广东歌, 日本歌, 匶歌, 新歌。。。其实是很刺激因为我们都是第一次与对方唱K, 都不清楚对方会唱什么类型歌!! 可以说几乎所有的歌都是伤感的!! 咳。。。 本来以为去唱歌可以轻松下减下压, 那料到愈唱愈伤心, 愈唱愈想太多。。。
昨晚下班不久就接到LUCY的电话, 电话里的她有点"SHOT SHOT"底, 又说什么新形象, 受了什么刺激。。。 真的有点担心这个傻女!! 竟然问我有没有兴趣唱K!! (-.-)" 于是我们就去了1U的NEWAY, 一唱就唱到凌晨一点!! 所以现在是超级的眼睡, 超级的BLUR。。。 EHM。。。 我们什么歌都点; 马来歌, 英文歌, 话语歌, 广东歌, 日本歌, 匶歌, 新歌。。。其实是很刺激因为我们都是第一次与对方唱K, 都不清楚对方会唱什么类型歌!! 可以说几乎所有的歌都是伤感的!! 咳。。。 本来以为去唱歌可以轻松下减下压, 那料到愈唱愈伤心, 愈唱愈想太多。。。
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
很开心。。 真的很希望心情可以继续好下去!!! =D
刚刚收到两个很久都没联络的好姐妹的电话。 很意外也很兴奋。。。 我想连做梦都没想过会同一日收到你们两个靓女的电话!! 很怀念以前我们过的日子啊, 不知道几时可以再好像以前这样一起偷懒去喝TEH TARIK, 吃ROTI CANAI呢? 哈哈。。。
CHLOE&BRENDA, 我好想念你们啊!! 真的好希望我们可以尽快的见个面, 喝杯酒, 聊聊天。
最后要希望你们工作都可以顺顺利利, 平平安安, 开开心心!!
无论你们在那里我的祝福都会陪伴着你们!! =)
刚刚收到两个很久都没联络的好姐妹的电话。 很意外也很兴奋。。。 我想连做梦都没想过会同一日收到你们两个靓女的电话!! 很怀念以前我们过的日子啊, 不知道几时可以再好像以前这样一起偷懒去喝TEH TARIK, 吃ROTI CANAI呢? 哈哈。。。
CHLOE&BRENDA, 我好想念你们啊!! 真的好希望我们可以尽快的见个面, 喝杯酒, 聊聊天。
最后要希望你们工作都可以顺顺利利, 平平安安, 开开心心!!
无论你们在那里我的祝福都会陪伴着你们!! =)
9月19日, 星期三,早上8时48分, 晴天
很开心啊因为今早又看到他了!! 已经蛮久没在那路口看到他了。 自从我知道他会在那附近出现, 很自然的每个早上我都会在那个路口多望几下, 希望可以遇上他。 很无聊但至少每个早上我都会很兴奋的去上班, 期待著每次遇到他的机会。 哈哈。。。
咳。。。 真的很想同他做个朋友。。。
咳。。。 真的很想同他做个朋友。。。
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
自从搬到新的公寓, 多了很多私人的空间, 做到很多自己喜欢的东西例如找几个知己吃个饭, 喝杯茶,讨论下"世界大事", "游下干水"和自自由由的看过了期的报纸。。。 真的越来越享受这样的生活!! 哈哈。。。
9月7日, 星期五,下午3时33分 , 雨天
有时候人真的不需要将某些事情看的太重, 要学会放松和在适当的时候就应该放开手。 一直把拳头抓的太紧,你又怎样可以知道原来要将双手打开是比抓住拳头来得容易呢?
无论工作也好, 感情也好, 甚至做人也好, 我们也不需要硬着脖子说一定要对得起自己也要对得起别人!! 你认为真的可以那么容易吗? 你就错了, 其实人才是世界上最复杂最难理解的动物!! 我们是绝对没可能控制得到别人怎么想, 怎么说的;于其费时去介意别人怎样想, 到不如想一下怎样可以将自己的人生过的好一点, 吸取多地知识, 赚多地钱彷身总好啦!!
无论工作也好, 感情也好, 甚至做人也好, 我们也不需要硬着脖子说一定要对得起自己也要对得起别人!! 你认为真的可以那么容易吗? 你就错了, 其实人才是世界上最复杂最难理解的动物!! 我们是绝对没可能控制得到别人怎么想, 怎么说的;于其费时去介意别人怎样想, 到不如想一下怎样可以将自己的人生过的好一点, 吸取多地知识, 赚多地钱彷身总好啦!!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Sept 3, 2007 (Monday) 1108, Sunny Day
Watch Gubra and Cinta last Saturday while I’m alone at home. I would rate both of it a really must-see movie and both of the directors really did put a lot of efforts on filming the movies.
Gubra is about a humorous family relationship, love and forgiveness, extraordinary friendship and hurting the one that you loved most. It’s actually the predecessor of Sepet and it carries some links to the story – the memories of Orked and Jason. And that’s where Alan & Orked’s friendship flourish.
I always wanted to watch Yasmin’s production (from Sepet, Gubra to Mukhsin) so long but it’s very hard to find a companion to the cinema for a Malay movie… Well, I am not a die-hard fan of Malay movie but I’ve been watching a lot of Malay movies when I was small – thanks to the mixed culture while I’m in school. There isn’t much success of Malay movie on international screen back to few years ago as it isn’t easy to come out with a quality movie unless we put away all those narrow-minded traditional beliefs and “adat”, just like what Yasmin have done. I’m not saying that she isn’t a traditional Malay woman but the way she “tell her story” through filming is indeed a breakout to conventional Malay culture. Her story inspired me of a lot of things that I’ve been doing and things that I’ve never have the courage to do.

~Gubra - to describe a feeling of anxiety~
Cinta – like the name of the movie goes, it’s all about love and relationship. However I found out that there are much more than only love in this movie; it comprises of relationship between a father and a daughter, trust between husband and wife, lifetime companion, a protective sister who is willing to sacrifice her own life to save her own and only one brother and the courage to love and to be loved. Ten different people, five different touching stories happened in one small city…. After I’ve watch the movie I got a thought in my mind; look around us, there’s a lot of people around us – walking past us, standing next to us, eating, talking to the phone, laughing among friends and each of them has their own story to tell, whether it’s sweet, sour or bitter. No matter how bad our life is, we should be grateful and appreciative on what we have now coz we’re living now not to the past and not to the future.
I still remember there’s one statement made by Rubiah, “Sometimes our loved one is the one who hurt us the most…” What a meaningful statement!!!

~Cinta - Sebuah Kisah Tentang Kasih~
Gubra is about a humorous family relationship, love and forgiveness, extraordinary friendship and hurting the one that you loved most. It’s actually the predecessor of Sepet and it carries some links to the story – the memories of Orked and Jason. And that’s where Alan & Orked’s friendship flourish.
I always wanted to watch Yasmin’s production (from Sepet, Gubra to Mukhsin) so long but it’s very hard to find a companion to the cinema for a Malay movie… Well, I am not a die-hard fan of Malay movie but I’ve been watching a lot of Malay movies when I was small – thanks to the mixed culture while I’m in school. There isn’t much success of Malay movie on international screen back to few years ago as it isn’t easy to come out with a quality movie unless we put away all those narrow-minded traditional beliefs and “adat”, just like what Yasmin have done. I’m not saying that she isn’t a traditional Malay woman but the way she “tell her story” through filming is indeed a breakout to conventional Malay culture. Her story inspired me of a lot of things that I’ve been doing and things that I’ve never have the courage to do.

~Gubra - to describe a feeling of anxiety~
Cinta – like the name of the movie goes, it’s all about love and relationship. However I found out that there are much more than only love in this movie; it comprises of relationship between a father and a daughter, trust between husband and wife, lifetime companion, a protective sister who is willing to sacrifice her own life to save her own and only one brother and the courage to love and to be loved. Ten different people, five different touching stories happened in one small city…. After I’ve watch the movie I got a thought in my mind; look around us, there’s a lot of people around us – walking past us, standing next to us, eating, talking to the phone, laughing among friends and each of them has their own story to tell, whether it’s sweet, sour or bitter. No matter how bad our life is, we should be grateful and appreciative on what we have now coz we’re living now not to the past and not to the future.
I still remember there’s one statement made by Rubiah, “Sometimes our loved one is the one who hurt us the most…” What a meaningful statement!!!

~Cinta - Sebuah Kisah Tentang Kasih~
Thursday, August 30, 2007
8月30日, 星期四, 早上8时40分 , 晴天
今天没有心情工作, 一大早就跟他吵架了,而且只是为了地芝麻录豆的事吵。 也许溝通少了, 人也累了,已经费时去争论或计较这么多了。 很害怕吵架因为我知道一吵就会伤害到彼此的感情, 我真的不想我们因为一时冲动而放弃大家。 我知道他真的真的很爱我, 不可能没有我。 但我真的很想他也可以理解我要什么, 追求什么, 也很希望他的想法是同我一致的。 反而时间越久,就越觉得我们彼此之间的距离越远了。 就由于我总是觉得自己走的太慢, 好象浪费了很多时间。 老妈整天骂我不要想太多, 不能给自己太多的压力但是我就是不能放松自己啊!! 我还年轻, 还有体力如果现在不努力追求梦想难道要等到七老八十才后悔没努力过吗? 我真的好想趁年轻打好经济的基础,不想再为钱而烦恼, 生活也过的好地。 不知道他也有同样的目标和理想吗??
Monday, August 27, 2007
我真的放得下吗?曾几何时我真的以为我真的可以放下他这个包袱,直到我看到朋友写下“他和太太”这四个字。 好像很久没他的消息了,感觉也应该没那么强烈了吧? 但是为何我的心好像有一点点的酸呢?时间没将我对他的爱意调淡,反而更加想念他。 我却有点失望!
很不明白以前的我为何那么傻? 曾经幼稚过,也曾经不顾一切的付出过;但到头来什么都得不到! 爱情离我越来越远了,心也碎了,理智也失去了。 搞不懂自己要什么也越来越不了解自己了。 看着镜子里的自己觉得自己很没用,很失败,好讽刺!! 越照就越迷失;已经找不回以前的我了。。。
也许是长大了很多时候不轮到我们抗拒现实的影响,不容许我们站在原地踏步。 我真的希望可以尽快忘记所有以前发生在我们身上的事情,一点回忆也不要留下, 一定要切切底底的忘记他。 也许他曾经带给我很多人生的甜蜜时光和巧合但是我也不能忘记所有暧昧背后的痛苦与折磨!!
既然他不懂得疼爱我那我就学会如何爱惜自己吧! 毕竟现在的我也过得很好!!=D
很不明白以前的我为何那么傻? 曾经幼稚过,也曾经不顾一切的付出过;但到头来什么都得不到! 爱情离我越来越远了,心也碎了,理智也失去了。 搞不懂自己要什么也越来越不了解自己了。 看着镜子里的自己觉得自己很没用,很失败,好讽刺!! 越照就越迷失;已经找不回以前的我了。。。
也许是长大了很多时候不轮到我们抗拒现实的影响,不容许我们站在原地踏步。 我真的希望可以尽快忘记所有以前发生在我们身上的事情,一点回忆也不要留下, 一定要切切底底的忘记他。 也许他曾经带给我很多人生的甜蜜时光和巧合但是我也不能忘记所有暧昧背后的痛苦与折磨!!
既然他不懂得疼爱我那我就学会如何爱惜自己吧! 毕竟现在的我也过得很好!!=D
Friday, August 24, 2007
"有口是和; 没口也是禾."
所谓家和万事兴, 家滖口不停...
人类之所以有一双眼睛, 一对耳朵和一把口是要人类多听多看少说话。 要明白这道理, 听起来很简单但不是每个人都能做得到。。。
所谓家和万事兴, 家滖口不停...
人类之所以有一双眼睛, 一对耳朵和一把口是要人类多听多看少说话。 要明白这道理, 听起来很简单但不是每个人都能做得到。。。
一个完整的家庭不需要有太多的钱也不需要太多的财产; 只需要每一个成员做好自己的本份, 为家人增添一点温暖. 为人父母有为人父母的责任, 做子女的也有做子女的责任. 千万不能为了一吐气而弄到家没安宁!! 如果是一家人就不会有隔夜仇; 如果是一家人就不会见到面都面左左... 也许爱一个人不需要讲出来, 但是还是需要用行动来表达。爱是需要勇气,需要付出的。只需要多一点关怀,多一点了解;误会就会被铲除...
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Friend? Soulmate? Love? Companion? Or….
Friend? Soulmate? Love? Companion? Or….
Well, honestly, I really don’t know!! Our relationship...how to put it? I think it’s barely hard to explain, too complicated to be understood but not too "dangerous" at the moment... He is my friend, my soulmate, my companion and we did have a good feeling on each other previously (some decades ago) but both of us agree that we are not suitable or in other words definitely not the cup of tea of each other (when we're still young). Sigh... Even though we're still young, we already put this kind of matters into conversation. ;P Feel weird if we're couple!! Haha...
However, don’t know when and how it happened, he became my companion, my listener, a person whom I enjoy spending time together, whom I’m comfortable with. We have common interests – movies, music, books, sports, and lifestyle and there’s a feeling of "归属感" with him; it’s like an old friend that you’ve known for a long long time; having tacit understanding... Maybe it's because we've known each other for ages, we grew up together, we "throw harsh words" to each other before, we put on "noisy mood" before but we never give up our friendship and we see changes on us; from pure and naive youngsters to working-adults, we share secrets, gossips, jokes and sorrow together. And sometimes silence can be the best moment between 2 person also.
It’s kinda different from what sy can give me. Maybe sy’s right previously, he doesn’t have the ability to provide "安全感" to me but who cares about "安全感" when you’re only 17? You just need love and care from someone at that time but when ages fled pass you, you’ll look back and realized how naïve your thinking is!! Hehm... Nope, I have no regrets, guess this is life should be, right? You’ll meet a lot of people, sometimes we choose our own destiny but sometimes destiny picks us... As I’ve always told my friends, sy is indeed a really very good guy, in fact can be a very good husband but... is he the right one that I need most? I need a man who listens (not only hear), understand me, able to take care of me and dependable and should be a lifetime companion who thinks the SAME as me!! Sometimes I even confused whether our relationship is on love or just already used to be together? Is it on responsibility to take care of each other? Is it just too dependent on each other? Or is it a true love? I really don’t know. =P
Well, honestly, I really don’t know!! Our relationship...how to put it? I think it’s barely hard to explain, too complicated to be understood but not too "dangerous" at the moment... He is my friend, my soulmate, my companion and we did have a good feeling on each other previously (some decades ago) but both of us agree that we are not suitable or in other words definitely not the cup of tea of each other (when we're still young). Sigh... Even though we're still young, we already put this kind of matters into conversation. ;P Feel weird if we're couple!! Haha...
However, don’t know when and how it happened, he became my companion, my listener, a person whom I enjoy spending time together, whom I’m comfortable with. We have common interests – movies, music, books, sports, and lifestyle and there’s a feeling of "归属感" with him; it’s like an old friend that you’ve known for a long long time; having tacit understanding... Maybe it's because we've known each other for ages, we grew up together, we "throw harsh words" to each other before, we put on "noisy mood" before but we never give up our friendship and we see changes on us; from pure and naive youngsters to working-adults, we share secrets, gossips, jokes and sorrow together. And sometimes silence can be the best moment between 2 person also.
It’s kinda different from what sy can give me. Maybe sy’s right previously, he doesn’t have the ability to provide "安全感" to me but who cares about "安全感" when you’re only 17? You just need love and care from someone at that time but when ages fled pass you, you’ll look back and realized how naïve your thinking is!! Hehm... Nope, I have no regrets, guess this is life should be, right? You’ll meet a lot of people, sometimes we choose our own destiny but sometimes destiny picks us... As I’ve always told my friends, sy is indeed a really very good guy, in fact can be a very good husband but... is he the right one that I need most? I need a man who listens (not only hear), understand me, able to take care of me and dependable and should be a lifetime companion who thinks the SAME as me!! Sometimes I even confused whether our relationship is on love or just already used to be together? Is it on responsibility to take care of each other? Is it just too dependent on each other? Or is it a true love? I really don’t know. =P
Thursday, August 16, 2007
This is where I want to be....
Moving out soon....
Went for an interview at AmCorp two days ago; position Executive at Debt Capital Market. Everything went good but a bit of nervous and unprepared with capital market knowledge and AmCorp’s history!!! Just able to recall back a bit of information I’ve memorized last time I came for interview. Hahah... Hope I’m lucky enough to be selected. Ehm...wish to... They said will get back to me next week for result... Very excited and anxious!! If I were being selected, that means I need to resign again lo!!! Imagine I'm just 2-months old in PBM. Even before telling mum, I can imagine how she will react, “Change job again?? How many jobs you want to change this year only? The THIRD one!! Ask you not to think too much la... Dont be so selective and etc..." Jesus...
Whatever it is, life in PBM still goes on….
Yah, I’m going to move to Kelana Puteri this Sat, staying alone finally!! Busy packing and tidying... It's a middle room, facing entrance of the condo and with 2 guy housemates – one in IT while the other in event company. Looking forward how we can mix up there!!! Haha... Hope they’re friendly, easy-going, helpful, honest and of course need to be as “crazy” and “wu liao” as me also. Then only we can live happily under one roof ma... =P
Bless me...
16 August 2007_BSD; sleepy
Whatever it is, life in PBM still goes on….
Yah, I’m going to move to Kelana Puteri this Sat, staying alone finally!! Busy packing and tidying... It's a middle room, facing entrance of the condo and with 2 guy housemates – one in IT while the other in event company. Looking forward how we can mix up there!!! Haha... Hope they’re friendly, easy-going, helpful, honest and of course need to be as “crazy” and “wu liao” as me also. Then only we can live happily under one roof ma... =P
Bless me...
16 August 2007_BSD; sleepy
Take it or leave it!!
I do not need you to tell me what my big boss’s expectation. I’ve been trying very hard to meet YOUR expectation!! How can I concentrate on my work and be particular and details when you always disturb me with all your own works?? You give me your tough works and expect me to finish mine and yours within specific time!! Is it possible for you? Maybe yes; maybe no. But I guess if the answer is yes, you would not be only an AM after you’ve work for the company for 7-8 years (with the same department also)!!! I am not judging you but I still doubt whether Mxxxy as competent as Chxxxxe. Hahah.. Don't get me wrong!! I'm not discriminating on other races and religion but you'll know if you were me! Unfair? Life is never fair to everyone!! Either you take it or you leave it, right?
There is no need to pretend busy here coz you're not free at all!!
written on 9th August 2007_BSD; sad and demotivated
There is no need to pretend busy here coz you're not free at all!!
written on 9th August 2007_BSD; sad and demotivated
Tired of work...
I think I really tried very hard for this job but why haven’t see any improvement? Is it because I’m not hardworking enough? I have been trying to get used with bulks of papers, loads of filing and meeting deadline!! Why meeting deadline here seems harder than meeting sales target? Haha... sounds funny but I'm not joking!! I only have one brain and two hands, can’t handle jobs for 2 brains and 4 hands. Sometimes just wish I would be able to utilize my foot as well.
This is not what I want! Not the job I wanted and definitely not the job satisfaction that I dream of! People here are just thinking of stable life and consistent increment and bonuses. I don’t want to be a despatch “gal”, I don’t want to be the secretary of the secretary!! Why must me be the one to help you all deliver letters, memos, documents etc…?? Do I look nice and helpful? I’m not!! I’m not working for Admin!! I’m here to do SUBMISSION!!! Crossover of job functions also has a limitation on it. Still can’t see my potential future and career path. Sigh....
No matter how hard is the job is and how much effort I need to put in, so long it’s my desired job and what I am enjoying is enough. Money will surely come one day. I think I want to go through how it’s like to spend all your life to strive for what you want!! You might not always get what you wanted but at least you’ll remember all the moments you’ve spent in order to achieve your dream. In such a reality world, I just need a space to stand at and be proud of what I’m doing, what I’ve done and what I’m going to achieve.
written on 8-August 2007_BSD; moody
This is not what I want! Not the job I wanted and definitely not the job satisfaction that I dream of! People here are just thinking of stable life and consistent increment and bonuses. I don’t want to be a despatch “gal”, I don’t want to be the secretary of the secretary!! Why must me be the one to help you all deliver letters, memos, documents etc…?? Do I look nice and helpful? I’m not!! I’m not working for Admin!! I’m here to do SUBMISSION!!! Crossover of job functions also has a limitation on it. Still can’t see my potential future and career path. Sigh....
No matter how hard is the job is and how much effort I need to put in, so long it’s my desired job and what I am enjoying is enough. Money will surely come one day. I think I want to go through how it’s like to spend all your life to strive for what you want!! You might not always get what you wanted but at least you’ll remember all the moments you’ve spent in order to achieve your dream. In such a reality world, I just need a space to stand at and be proud of what I’m doing, what I’ve done and what I’m going to achieve.
written on 8-August 2007_BSD; moody
a minute to motivate myself~
Yuen Yee, gambateh a!!! You cant simply give up this time already!! Must work very very hard to overcome all the obstacles!!!
written on 6-August 2007, 1500_BSD
written on 6-August 2007, 1500_BSD
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Good vs Bad
Sometimes you just cant be too hardworking or too clever. Being too responsible will allow people to take advantage on you, making use of your talent to work for someone else!!! And who will benefit? She got the tangible and you got the intangible!! So, the next time you want to finish things fast and accurate, think TWICE!!
We need to work smart, setting priority and time management. Work hard is an essential but should be relevant and to a certain degree. You can work till you’re dead (or in other words you should be responsible and committed and dedicated to your work) but make sure you learn all the skills that being credited to you. Better still add value to yourself instead of wasting time asking why you!! Only to show that you’ve added value to the company, you can negotiate for better opportunities and higher respect in future.
If you think you can sit on your superior’s position in 3 years time, rethink!! Do you think that’s enough? The answer is NO!! If you have what your superior had, why stay? You are able to do more, then you should be able to ask for more!! Dream BIG!! Only when you shown you’re more capable than anyone, you can supersede others. Confidence can be built when you know what is FAILURE!! If you never make mistake and never fails, where do you find courage to say "Yes, I'm 100% sure on this."
Always remember opportunities will never knock on your door; in fact you have to explore for opportunities. Why wait while you can carry on? Throughout the path of life only you’ll be able to gain more. And while you're thinking of giving up, ask yourself, if you've courage to give up, why not have the courage to accept reality and carry on? There will always good deeds behind each obstacle.
There are people who is lucky, have a lot of good opportunities, good work, good friends, good family, clever, pretty.... But there are also some who think they just need one more day to survive, one more glass of water to relieve their thirst and even one more bun for them to live today. So the next time you think you're having the toughest time ever, think again!! You might be one of those lucky one.....
3-August-2007, 1714_BSD
We need to work smart, setting priority and time management. Work hard is an essential but should be relevant and to a certain degree. You can work till you’re dead (or in other words you should be responsible and committed and dedicated to your work) but make sure you learn all the skills that being credited to you. Better still add value to yourself instead of wasting time asking why you!! Only to show that you’ve added value to the company, you can negotiate for better opportunities and higher respect in future.
If you think you can sit on your superior’s position in 3 years time, rethink!! Do you think that’s enough? The answer is NO!! If you have what your superior had, why stay? You are able to do more, then you should be able to ask for more!! Dream BIG!! Only when you shown you’re more capable than anyone, you can supersede others. Confidence can be built when you know what is FAILURE!! If you never make mistake and never fails, where do you find courage to say "Yes, I'm 100% sure on this."
Always remember opportunities will never knock on your door; in fact you have to explore for opportunities. Why wait while you can carry on? Throughout the path of life only you’ll be able to gain more. And while you're thinking of giving up, ask yourself, if you've courage to give up, why not have the courage to accept reality and carry on? There will always good deeds behind each obstacle.
There are people who is lucky, have a lot of good opportunities, good work, good friends, good family, clever, pretty.... But there are also some who think they just need one more day to survive, one more glass of water to relieve their thirst and even one more bun for them to live today. So the next time you think you're having the toughest time ever, think again!! You might be one of those lucky one.....
3-August-2007, 1714_BSD
Monday, July 16, 2007
Second day lu....
Date: 3-July-2007 Tuesday
Venue: PBM, Bdr Sri Damansara
The second day of work?? Still very boring and sleepy reading those guidelines... But at least I manage to start a bit on my job today – photostating relevant docs for new fund submission. Ehm... as what I’ve expected, there’s a lots of paperwork before the submission. Now only I appreciated what I’ve learned in KPMG previously... Filling!!! Hahahahhh.... The mood of liking the job hasn’t come yet and honestly I’m still waiting for another call.
As usual, I went for badminton with my bf’s friends, so I need to meet him up at his office first coz I don’t recognize the road already!!! Hahahhh… Just when I’m approaching the LDP toll, I saw the familiar 9660 turning out from a junction in front of me. I keep following his car (to see whether it’s him or not) until we reached the toll, he bypassed me. Thanks to that stupid van in front of me, paying a RM50 for a RM1.60 toll charges!!! And of course I miss him lo, his car's cc is higher than me la!!! =(
Reached home around 2230, bath and check email, hoping to get some good news on it. =( However still able to reply an email to my beloved pretty~princess. She’s quite unhappy with me for not telling her everything; why I come back, why this, how that??? My pretty~princess, how I wish I would be able to tell you everything but how? When? Through email? Even myself also cannot confirm on my current situation, what am I supposed to tell you? How I wish you will know how lost am I now!!
No matter what, as I have promised, my dear, once i have settled down, I'll definitely come and find you, explain everything to you. Only afraid you have no time to listen to me. =)
good nitez, babe....
written on 3-July-2007
Venue: PBM, Bdr Sri Damansara
The second day of work?? Still very boring and sleepy reading those guidelines... But at least I manage to start a bit on my job today – photostating relevant docs for new fund submission. Ehm... as what I’ve expected, there’s a lots of paperwork before the submission. Now only I appreciated what I’ve learned in KPMG previously... Filling!!! Hahahahhh.... The mood of liking the job hasn’t come yet and honestly I’m still waiting for another call.
As usual, I went for badminton with my bf’s friends, so I need to meet him up at his office first coz I don’t recognize the road already!!! Hahahhh… Just when I’m approaching the LDP toll, I saw the familiar 9660 turning out from a junction in front of me. I keep following his car (to see whether it’s him or not) until we reached the toll, he bypassed me. Thanks to that stupid van in front of me, paying a RM50 for a RM1.60 toll charges!!! And of course I miss him lo, his car's cc is higher than me la!!! =(
Reached home around 2230, bath and check email, hoping to get some good news on it. =( However still able to reply an email to my beloved pretty~princess. She’s quite unhappy with me for not telling her everything; why I come back, why this, how that??? My pretty~princess, how I wish I would be able to tell you everything but how? When? Through email? Even myself also cannot confirm on my current situation, what am I supposed to tell you? How I wish you will know how lost am I now!!
No matter what, as I have promised, my dear, once i have settled down, I'll definitely come and find you, explain everything to you. Only afraid you have no time to listen to me. =)
good nitez, babe....
written on 3-July-2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
first day at work~
2-July-2007 Monday
I woke up at 0545 to prepare for my first day!! It has been a long time I didn’t woke up so early. Not too tired cause purposely went to bed early. A bit of excited on the first day and a bit of upset or I would probably say it’s really very reluctant to accept the offer. I know it wont be easy but I think sometimes we need to be a bit realistic, especially when you realized your bank a/c keep on shrinking and shrinking…. If continue to wait for opportunities, I’m sure I’m already dead by the time I got what I want!!! Think this consider that, at the end? Get nothing!!! That's LIFE!!!
So how do I describe my first day at PBM? Nothing much different, went through corporate briefing and introduction to respective HOD. All I dislike the most is the location of the office!!! How come such a big company situated in the middle of the factory area? Sooooo much INCONVENIENT!!!! Imagine you need to drive out for lunch!!! Maybe you’ll prefer to stay in the office if you like malay food cause there’s 2 malay stall selling rice here. I think I really need some time to get used to the environment here. Sigh...
Ok, colleagues are quite friendly but a bit quiet cause everybody is BUSY with work and work and work!!! And either you’ll go back home late at night (especially F&A) or you’ll go back home punctually, everyone here will go back home straightaway!! I guess there must be lack of interactions among colleagues. It’s not common to see colleagues go out together after work (maybe bcz most of my colleagues are married). Haiz…. Really miss the days in OSK where we went out for movie together, dinners at Long&Jimmy, Chilli’s, TGI Friday, Genki Sushi, Domino’s party and McD for tea-break. Hahahh... flooded with lots of nightlife and activities....
Anyway, life still goes on. Since I’m new to the dept., I have to run through all those guidelines and relevant requirements for submission while waiting for my boss to come back from MC. =O very sleepy...
Finally, after a long day of "looking" on those guidelines, it’s time to go back. =P I left office around 1815 (pretend to be busy and hardworking on the fist day). By the time I reached home I’m really exhausted and tired!!! Really do not have mood to talk to people or to “entertain” anyone… So, choose to watch "HEROES" before I went to bed...
still a long day to go tomorrow....
created on 2-July-2007@office
I woke up at 0545 to prepare for my first day!! It has been a long time I didn’t woke up so early. Not too tired cause purposely went to bed early. A bit of excited on the first day and a bit of upset or I would probably say it’s really very reluctant to accept the offer. I know it wont be easy but I think sometimes we need to be a bit realistic, especially when you realized your bank a/c keep on shrinking and shrinking…. If continue to wait for opportunities, I’m sure I’m already dead by the time I got what I want!!! Think this consider that, at the end? Get nothing!!! That's LIFE!!!
So how do I describe my first day at PBM? Nothing much different, went through corporate briefing and introduction to respective HOD. All I dislike the most is the location of the office!!! How come such a big company situated in the middle of the factory area? Sooooo much INCONVENIENT!!!! Imagine you need to drive out for lunch!!! Maybe you’ll prefer to stay in the office if you like malay food cause there’s 2 malay stall selling rice here. I think I really need some time to get used to the environment here. Sigh...
Ok, colleagues are quite friendly but a bit quiet cause everybody is BUSY with work and work and work!!! And either you’ll go back home late at night (especially F&A) or you’ll go back home punctually, everyone here will go back home straightaway!! I guess there must be lack of interactions among colleagues. It’s not common to see colleagues go out together after work (maybe bcz most of my colleagues are married). Haiz…. Really miss the days in OSK where we went out for movie together, dinners at Long&Jimmy, Chilli’s, TGI Friday, Genki Sushi, Domino’s party and McD for tea-break. Hahahh... flooded with lots of nightlife and activities....
Anyway, life still goes on. Since I’m new to the dept., I have to run through all those guidelines and relevant requirements for submission while waiting for my boss to come back from MC. =O very sleepy...
Finally, after a long day of "looking" on those guidelines, it’s time to go back. =P I left office around 1815 (pretend to be busy and hardworking on the fist day). By the time I reached home I’m really exhausted and tired!!! Really do not have mood to talk to people or to “entertain” anyone… So, choose to watch "HEROES" before I went to bed...
still a long day to go tomorrow....
created on 2-July-2007@office
Friday, June 29, 2007
Early in the morning, I have a bad quarrel with him... I just wanted to discuss with him whether he is ok if we moved out? He... is angry and confronted (I guess) and of course this time he does not agree with what I have suggested!! He answered, "If you want, then you moved out la. We have promised to my brother to help out in the rental for their new house. We can't pulled out last minute!" So, I said?
Everything just remain silence for that moment!!! Sigh.... How I wish...
I didnt drive back straight away, I stopped the car outside the building, thinking again and again, finding clues that I've done anything wrong that makes him feel bad and sad. The conversation run through my head repeatedly, forcing my tears to drop!! For about 15mins, I do not know what to do to solve this problem, a solution tat is best for me, him and his family. It's hard!!! For me and him!!
When I reached home, I saw this statement on his msn subject, "一开始他已这件事情告诉了我们, 但你坚持说你不知. 我无话可说, 一切就听你, 那是因为你是我的最爱." I feel sad coz he thought that I am such a bad person - so not understanding, so fussy, lousy and selfish gf!!! Why he treats me like that? Didn't I deserve any respect and understanding from him and his family? I used to live on my own and independent, is that wrong in his eyes? Even though I'm his gf, I think I deserve more freedom!!! I sent him an email stating my point of view and debate for myself. That's me, I'll fight for myself!!!
From YY
To BF@XX.com.my
Date 29-June-2007
Subject RE:Your msn quote
mailed by gmail.com
我绝对不是一个无理取闹的人. 我的确没听说要和你全家一起住. 如果要跟你哥嫂住我是觉得0K 的. 毕竟大家都是年轻人. 我们也是可以和你的姐姐一起住啊, 不是吗? 当初我答应你搬到你哥这里是因为如果我没在的时候起码有个人可以照顾你, 你也不会寂寞啊. 我提议搬走不是因为我不喜欢你的家人而是我觉得我想多一点私人空间和过二人世界. 我真的暂时还没ready跟你的家人一起生活. 我知道我们已经答应你哥了, 没办法say no now所以我才和你discuss啊. 可是你一直觉得我有心要和你分开, 如果我是有心要离开你我就不会为了你放弃我新加坡的career而回来啦?? 难道你觉得我上几个月都过得很好吗? 我是有想到这些后果的, 我知道会很难接受但是我还是回来了!! 你都没替我想过吗?
有时侯很希望你能替我想想, 我们还年轻还有很多时间相处, 还有很长的路要走. 为什么那么急要settle down呢? 我们还没真真的享受人生, 还经历不够人生的酸甜苦辣. 婚姻不只是签名, 住在一起, 生孩子那么简单的. 那不是我要的. 对我来说, 婚姻是两个家庭的combination, 里面包涵了一个永恒的承诺, 对彼此的责任和互相包容!! Have you ready for that? 你可能觉得我想太多了, 太复杂了可是我所看到的听到的婚姻失败实在太多了, 难免我会有自己一套的想法!! 一个温馨的家庭是需要一个共同的目标和两个人的努力创造出来的而不是建立与责任上! 我依然想和你自由自在的生活. So, 慢慢来吧, 我们会随着岁月的流逝而长大的…. 到适当的时候自然就会有安排了.
Sigh.... Sometimes I think we really need a lot of extra time and effort to deal with relationship... Why am I so weak in handling relationship issue? I just hoped I'm able to love and to be loved, that's all I want!!!
Everything just remain silence for that moment!!! Sigh.... How I wish...
I didnt drive back straight away, I stopped the car outside the building, thinking again and again, finding clues that I've done anything wrong that makes him feel bad and sad. The conversation run through my head repeatedly, forcing my tears to drop!! For about 15mins, I do not know what to do to solve this problem, a solution tat is best for me, him and his family. It's hard!!! For me and him!!
When I reached home, I saw this statement on his msn subject, "一开始他已这件事情告诉了我们, 但你坚持说你不知. 我无话可说, 一切就听你, 那是因为你是我的最爱." I feel sad coz he thought that I am such a bad person - so not understanding, so fussy, lousy and selfish gf!!! Why he treats me like that? Didn't I deserve any respect and understanding from him and his family? I used to live on my own and independent, is that wrong in his eyes? Even though I'm his gf, I think I deserve more freedom!!! I sent him an email stating my point of view and debate for myself. That's me, I'll fight for myself!!!
From YY
To BF@XX.com.my
Date 29-June-2007
Subject RE:Your msn quote
mailed by gmail.com
我绝对不是一个无理取闹的人. 我的确没听说要和你全家一起住. 如果要跟你哥嫂住我是觉得0K 的. 毕竟大家都是年轻人. 我们也是可以和你的姐姐一起住啊, 不是吗? 当初我答应你搬到你哥这里是因为如果我没在的时候起码有个人可以照顾你, 你也不会寂寞啊. 我提议搬走不是因为我不喜欢你的家人而是我觉得我想多一点私人空间和过二人世界. 我真的暂时还没ready跟你的家人一起生活. 我知道我们已经答应你哥了, 没办法say no now所以我才和你discuss啊. 可是你一直觉得我有心要和你分开, 如果我是有心要离开你我就不会为了你放弃我新加坡的career而回来啦?? 难道你觉得我上几个月都过得很好吗? 我是有想到这些后果的, 我知道会很难接受但是我还是回来了!! 你都没替我想过吗?
有时侯很希望你能替我想想, 我们还年轻还有很多时间相处, 还有很长的路要走. 为什么那么急要settle down呢? 我们还没真真的享受人生, 还经历不够人生的酸甜苦辣. 婚姻不只是签名, 住在一起, 生孩子那么简单的. 那不是我要的. 对我来说, 婚姻是两个家庭的combination, 里面包涵了一个永恒的承诺, 对彼此的责任和互相包容!! Have you ready for that? 你可能觉得我想太多了, 太复杂了可是我所看到的听到的婚姻失败实在太多了, 难免我会有自己一套的想法!! 一个温馨的家庭是需要一个共同的目标和两个人的努力创造出来的而不是建立与责任上! 我依然想和你自由自在的生活. So, 慢慢来吧, 我们会随着岁月的流逝而长大的…. 到适当的时候自然就会有安排了.
Sigh.... Sometimes I think we really need a lot of extra time and effort to deal with relationship... Why am I so weak in handling relationship issue? I just hoped I'm able to love and to be loved, that's all I want!!!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Mee Erh's Wedding~24-06-07

(Mee Erh&Bro.B's wedding)
Last week, I went to Mee Erh's wedding. I drove along ccl, yern and chun back to kampar on Sunday morning. At first we weren't really wish to go back but it's really hard for us to reject the invitation from our close friend, after all she has been expecting our attendance and we all also understood that she's really hope we're able to attend the dinner!! Although there's a bit rush, we still choose to attend it.

(spent the best time with yern&lucy)
Well, I think the journey went very well - have a great chat with yern&ccl, reached home around 1230pm, have lunch with my mum, chit-chat with my mum, and it's already 430pm!!! Dinner is at 630pm but my mum said normally it won't start punctual, at least after 7pm. So curious why people stay in kampung also will late. There is no need to afraid of traffic jam, lack of car park, and etc like big city!! So, I just take my time to dress up and pack my stuffs. Some more have time to gossip with my mum and sister. =P So by the time I catch the clock on the wall, it's already 630pm and OMG I'm late!! Just grab whatever I have and then rush to pick all my gangs... and guess what we are the latest - reached there abt 730pm!!! hahahh... of course doesn't look great but what to do, that's the culture in "kampung-kampung", won't be punctual. =P

(all posing for victory for Mee Erh)
Anyway, we just go in by ourselves, look for seats ourselves and gosh...we have to sit separately coz there is no seat arrangements in advance... See, this is "kampung style". First-come-first-serve lol... At first, I do feel bad and uncomfortable because of the mistreatment. I guess no one will notice if we leave also, imagine that!! Hallo, we are the guests leh!! Although we are close friends and adults, we do deserve some kind of greetings and at least usher us to our seats la, rite?? What kind of host are you?? Definitely I'm not "shong" la!!! I dislike people lack of planning... Yah, and that why I am more than determined not to have wedding dinner when I'm married...(although might not happen) What for when you are not able to serve your guest well?? Waste my time and money... Marriage is not a tool to make money and having dinner or lunch with people you do not know, right?? sigh... this is the point that my bf won't able to understand!!!
The pictures are taken when we are about to leave... yah, that's only the time we manage to chit-chat, talking gossips, updating information and take photographs. The dinner ended around 930pm, went to Bro.B's house to see the bridal photographs and chat a while with Bro.B followed by Mee Erh's house. So, all ends around 11pm... How I wish we're not going back to KL straight away... There's a feeling of not willing to leave.. Miss everyone there... But we still need to go back!! hahahhh... So, I have the biggest responsibility to ensure everyone is safe to reach home before I do. After I dropped ccl in Cheras, I am already half dead, exhausted and ZZzzz, especially when you're driving alone!! Someone came across my mind so I called CK - my best friend. Luckily he hasn't sleep and so nice he accompanied me to drive home through phone... As I said, he's always by my side whenever I need him, so appreciate and treasure him. =)

(thanks a lot to CK)
By the time I reached home already 230am and I'm already 99% unconsious!!! What a day for me!! So proud of myself being able to stand to drive thru and fall Kampar KL in a day. =D Looking forward to meet all my gangs soon. I miss them sooooo much!!!
Last but not least, wishes Mee Erh & Bro.B have a happy and fulfiling wedding life...
cheers, YY
Monday, June 18, 2007
Where YY has been gone?
Everybody is moving on but not me...
I can feel I am losing my confidence, losing myself, losing my soul!!!
I have been wasting a lot of time which I think I might not be able to afford to lose one more minute here. I've been stopping too long this time and I know I must moved on; MUST move on!! There are a lot of goals and plans waiting for me to execute and achieve out there.
Where is YY? Where she has gone?
I am afraid of being weak... afraid of losing...
When will that dreamer and confident YY be back again?
Will she know the way home?
Did she found what she wants out there?
I can feel I am losing my confidence, losing myself, losing my soul!!!
I have been wasting a lot of time which I think I might not be able to afford to lose one more minute here. I've been stopping too long this time and I know I must moved on; MUST move on!! There are a lot of goals and plans waiting for me to execute and achieve out there.
Where is YY? Where she has gone?
I am afraid of being weak... afraid of losing...
When will that dreamer and confident YY be back again?
Will she know the way home?
Did she found what she wants out there?
Gambateh to my bro!!
date 17th June 2007 (Sun)
time appx 1600
From Brother
Sad to receive a message from my brother today. He was sick, suffered from fever and sore throat, lying on bed messaging me for help. Feel bad not able to pay him a visit bcoz I am in KL while he is in S'pore. Feel guilty to be a sister, I am such a bad sister!! He just want to borrow some money to see doctor coz he will only get the money at night. I am such a SHIT sister!!! How I hope I'll be able to bring him to GH. I'm really an useless and hopeless sister!! All I can do is keep sending message to ask him to take medicine, drink plenty of water, ask him to ask favor from other housemates but it seems harder to ask for help than lending help.... What to do? His own sister(the closest sister) is not able to help out!! How can we expect other people to lend a hand? They have family to support too, they have to live on too. So sometimes we really need to depend on ourself to go through hard time especially we're in overseas...
At night, mum called up, "Where are you? When you will reach S'pore?" I almost speechless.... dunno what to answer!!! It's bad to lie, "I'm on my way to S'pore." And I know mum is worried about brother... I tried to console her, promising to call up brother on Monday.
I just cant control my tears from dropping while I was lying on my bed. I didnt tell him about my brother, thinking there is nothing he can do to help me in this. As I said, sometimes we have to depend on ourself to go through hard times!!! At least now I realised how naive I am previously... Just think about my own. There are so much of things around us that can be affected by our decisions. Perhaps I have been doing things much stubborn than I have ever thought all the way and this is the outcome that I have to bear with. I hope I wont get into depression. I know there must be ways I can handle and go through this, properly and accurately. I must be able to make things happen.
All before that, I really hope my brother will be able to go through this time toughly and bravely; coz he's my boy. Gambateh bro coz you'll always have our support!!
time appx 1600
From Brother
Sad to receive a message from my brother today. He was sick, suffered from fever and sore throat, lying on bed messaging me for help. Feel bad not able to pay him a visit bcoz I am in KL while he is in S'pore. Feel guilty to be a sister, I am such a bad sister!! He just want to borrow some money to see doctor coz he will only get the money at night. I am such a SHIT sister!!! How I hope I'll be able to bring him to GH. I'm really an useless and hopeless sister!! All I can do is keep sending message to ask him to take medicine, drink plenty of water, ask him to ask favor from other housemates but it seems harder to ask for help than lending help.... What to do? His own sister(the closest sister) is not able to help out!! How can we expect other people to lend a hand? They have family to support too, they have to live on too. So sometimes we really need to depend on ourself to go through hard time especially we're in overseas...
At night, mum called up, "Where are you? When you will reach S'pore?" I almost speechless.... dunno what to answer!!! It's bad to lie, "I'm on my way to S'pore." And I know mum is worried about brother... I tried to console her, promising to call up brother on Monday.
I just cant control my tears from dropping while I was lying on my bed. I didnt tell him about my brother, thinking there is nothing he can do to help me in this. As I said, sometimes we have to depend on ourself to go through hard times!!! At least now I realised how naive I am previously... Just think about my own. There are so much of things around us that can be affected by our decisions. Perhaps I have been doing things much stubborn than I have ever thought all the way and this is the outcome that I have to bear with. I hope I wont get into depression. I know there must be ways I can handle and go through this, properly and accurately. I must be able to make things happen.
All before that, I really hope my brother will be able to go through this time toughly and bravely; coz he's my boy. Gambateh bro coz you'll always have our support!!
Friday, June 15, 2007
最近看了谢天华主演的<凶城计中计>. 觉得这套戏不错, 故事也很特别. 而且对谢天华的演出好有惊喜因为觉得他好很投入, 很有突破. 也许因为结婚了, 所以觉得他在戏内蛮Man. 虽然他在戏内的角色是个为求报复不择手段, 但就又如经典的古装戏一样; 杀父之仇不可不报!! 总结是套戏就好象戏名一样, “故事中是计中有计, 算中有算”...
“如果两个人注定有缘无分, 无论你放多少感情都没用的...” – 当水如塵离开了倩瑶的时候, 霁月勸倩瑶要忘记如塵, 不要在为如塵费尽心血...
我觉得霁月说的对, 不要为了一个不值得去爱的男人费力, 费尽心细. 到头来吃亏的好可能是自己...
“如果两个人注定有缘无分, 无论你放多少感情都没用的...” – 当水如塵离开了倩瑶的时候, 霁月勸倩瑶要忘记如塵, 不要在为如塵费尽心血...
我觉得霁月说的对, 不要为了一个不值得去爱的男人费力, 费尽心细. 到头来吃亏的好可能是自己...
Time to love
Have you ever calculated how many people you meet in a day? 10? 20? 50? Or 100? Imagine, there are so many people around us (in lrt, in the bus, in the supermarket, in the same school, in the same company and etc). You might bump into the same person everyday but never talked to each other. For how many times you were the first person to start a conversation to the person you like? Not many one will have enough courage to do so... The reason? We are afraid!! Afraid of being rejected; Afraid of accepting the truth; What if he/she has bf/gf? What if he/she is married? That would be a shit, right? But what if he/she is thinking the damn same thing like you? He/She spots you, would like to know you better and damn he/she would like to have your number as well?? See... things might happen!! It's all in our hands!! You never try, you will never know….
Maybe there will be a chance for you to love too!! So, guys out there, gather up your whole life's courage and say "Hi". If she answers you back, grab the opportunity!! "So, hows the weekend?". If no answers from her, you know what la... just be "Say-Hi-Fren" lo. Nothing to lose, man. Spot another gal and life goes on!!!!
Lets fill our life with lotz of lOVE!!
Cheers for LOVE!!!!
Maybe there will be a chance for you to love too!! So, guys out there, gather up your whole life's courage and say "Hi". If she answers you back, grab the opportunity!! "So, hows the weekend?". If no answers from her, you know what la... just be "Say-Hi-Fren" lo. Nothing to lose, man. Spot another gal and life goes on!!!!
Lets fill our life with lotz of lOVE!!
Cheers for LOVE!!!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
100% vs 110%

I've been in a relationship for six and a half years, yes, six years!!! Some people think that 6 years is a long period , some do not think so. It's long because you thought you are able to know him very well. But sorry to say you're not!! Never try to understand your man. That's the rule of the game!! If you insist to, you're about to losing him. Why? Because Man is from Mars, Woman is from Venus! =P The more you understand him, the more weaknesses you'll find. So, never ever try to understand a man. You just need to observe him with your heart; know what he likes, what he dislikes and then love yourself more than you love him. If you loved him 100%, then make sure you love yourself 110%!!
A Reply to my pretty princess~
from leong yuen yee
to Brenda Ng
date 18-May-2007 12:32
subject Re: ok
mailed-by gmail.com
thank you soooo much for your reply.
you cant imagine how much i appreciate it.
i know you r indeed really angry, i can feel it coz i know ur work is alrdy part of ur life.
come to first place, i didnt really intend to play fool on u, just want to call u on surprise but seems like things didnt work out. hehehhh...
well, i guess this is the most unforgettable n priceless lesson i've ever learn coz i have put our friendship into a risk. i am almost losing you, damn scared n afraid.
no matter what, i really appreciate a lotz for ur reply... guess i have my pretty princess~brenda back!!! yah hooo..... =D
n for u, remember to take care of urself, k. you can only become more n more beautiful, not the other way. muuackss....
love ya, YY
to Brenda Ng
date 18-May-2007 12:32
subject Re: ok
mailed-by gmail.com
thank you soooo much for your reply.
you cant imagine how much i appreciate it.
i know you r indeed really angry, i can feel it coz i know ur work is alrdy part of ur life.
come to first place, i didnt really intend to play fool on u, just want to call u on surprise but seems like things didnt work out. hehehhh...
well, i guess this is the most unforgettable n priceless lesson i've ever learn coz i have put our friendship into a risk. i am almost losing you, damn scared n afraid.
no matter what, i really appreciate a lotz for ur reply... guess i have my pretty princess~brenda back!!! yah hooo..... =D
n for u, remember to take care of urself, k. you can only become more n more beautiful, not the other way. muuackss....
love ya, YY
Reply from my princess~
These is the reply that i got from you;
I am really glad to hear from you!!
from Brenda Ng
to leong yuen yee
date 17-May-2007 13:11
subject ok
mailed-by gmail.com
thanks for all ur emails.. i did not reply any of ur mails bcoz i am really busy.
in fact, u really make me so angry tat i dun wan to talk to u.
come to think, you're still young..
i think play oso must have limit, u shu know how much i treasure my work and oso how much work pressure i have.
but u did the joke to me bcoz u find it fun.
no matter how close the relationship, the respect must be there too...
there is time u are fool around, but there is time u must be serious...
hope u learn the lesson this time..
take k
I am really glad to hear from you!!
from Brenda Ng
to leong yuen yee
date 17-May-2007 13:11
subject ok
mailed-by gmail.com
thanks for all ur emails.. i did not reply any of ur mails bcoz i am really busy.
in fact, u really make me so angry tat i dun wan to talk to u.
come to think, you're still young..
i think play oso must have limit, u shu know how much i treasure my work and oso how much work pressure i have.
but u did the joke to me bcoz u find it fun.
no matter how close the relationship, the respect must be there too...
there is time u are fool around, but there is time u must be serious...
hope u learn the lesson this time..
take k
Monday, April 30, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
dear pretty princess,
it has been 5 days, you are still angry with me?
i am really deeply sorry.
there is no other way that i can contact you other than email. u know this but why u still didn't reply my email.
i really dunno how you feel right now? and i really dunno my act will create such a great impact on you.
u know i love you and i care about you so much just like you.
is my fault so serious that you have to take so much of time to consider whether want to forgive me or not? then why you didn't call?
i am heartbroken.
the time i need you most but i hardly can feel your warm huggie anymore.
i am terrified, i am alone again....
i hate myself for being so weak....
i am no longer the tough and independent YY...
i am afraid.......
pretty princess, i am sorry....
it has been 5 days, you are still angry with me?
i am really deeply sorry.
there is no other way that i can contact you other than email. u know this but why u still didn't reply my email.
i really dunno how you feel right now? and i really dunno my act will create such a great impact on you.
u know i love you and i care about you so much just like you.
is my fault so serious that you have to take so much of time to consider whether want to forgive me or not? then why you didn't call?
i am heartbroken.
the time i need you most but i hardly can feel your warm huggie anymore.
i am terrified, i am alone again....
i hate myself for being so weak....
i am no longer the tough and independent YY...
i am afraid.......
pretty princess, i am sorry....
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
我所追求的梦想还在吗? 都还在等我吗?
我曾经看过一片文章,里面是有这么的一句话, "如果能看见梦想在前面,就算迷失了方向也无所谓! 只要抬起头,一直往前面的直路走,肯定可以走出困境!!" 这是多么有智慧的一句啊!
好象梦想离我越来越远, 再也看不见了! 感觉好可怕, 好孤独哦...
有家不能回, 朋友不敢见, 每天都关闭在家, 不敢出门.
觉得自己很没出息, 很自卑, 很对不起自己和妈妈..
我没有埋怨任何人任何事, 只能耐心的努力熬过这一关...
我所追求的梦想还在吗? 都还在等我吗?
我曾经看过一片文章,里面是有这么的一句话, "如果能看见梦想在前面,就算迷失了方向也无所谓! 只要抬起头,一直往前面的直路走,肯定可以走出困境!!" 这是多么有智慧的一句啊!
好象梦想离我越来越远, 再也看不见了! 感觉好可怕, 好孤独哦...
有家不能回, 朋友不敢见, 每天都关闭在家, 不敢出门.
觉得自己很没出息, 很自卑, 很对不起自己和妈妈..
我没有埋怨任何人任何事, 只能耐心的努力熬过这一关...
Thursday, April 12, 2007
就在这城市, 我找到我的梦想,因为这里有你。
就在这城市, 我懂得更爱惜自己,就是从我们认识开始。
就在这城市, 我忘了地球会循转,因为我话在你的天堂里。
就在这城市, 我可以安心,因为美丽的天堂里面有一个可爱的小天使---就是你。
就在这城市, 我学会不再害怕一个人睡,因为每个梦里都会有你。
就在这城市, 我懂得更爱惜自己,就是从我们认识开始。
就在这城市, 我忘了地球会循转,因为我话在你的天堂里。
就在这城市, 我可以安心,因为美丽的天堂里面有一个可爱的小天使---就是你。
就在这城市, 我学会不再害怕一个人睡,因为每个梦里都会有你。
羡慕是觉得分手也可能是一个解脱吧? 如果谈恋爱再也不能带给双方幸福的感觉, 那你还需要爱情吗?
可惜是因为在一起的时间太久了, 他都已经是你的习惯了; 就好象你喝咖啡一定要加代糖一样, 绝对不能缺少.
他…还在你的心里吗? 那你现在的心里是什么样的感觉呢? 想念一个负心的人应该很痛苦吧? 还是都已经心死了? 朋友曾经对我说过; 爱情消失的速度往往都是比来的时候快, 所以人才会去珍惜失去的感情…
我都了解你现在的感受, 寂寞, 孤独, 毫无安全感… 你也许需要多一点时间来收拾你的心情, 我知道你一定可以办得到, 一定可以克服他的回忆!!!
If one day you feel like crying.... call me.
I don’t promise that I will make you laugh, but I can cry with you.
If one day you want to run away don’t be afraid to call me.
I don’t promise to ask u to stop...... but I can run with you.
If one day you don’t want to listen to anyone..... call me.
I promise to be there for you but also promise to remain quiet.
But one day if you call......and there is no answer.....come fast to see me.
Perhaps I need you….
** 没有任何一样东西是比友情来的珍贵, 贴心, 永久的…. **
** 希望你们都好好去珍惜身边每一个朋友. (,”)(“,) **
羡慕是觉得分手也可能是一个解脱吧? 如果谈恋爱再也不能带给双方幸福的感觉, 那你还需要爱情吗?
可惜是因为在一起的时间太久了, 他都已经是你的习惯了; 就好象你喝咖啡一定要加代糖一样, 绝对不能缺少.
他…还在你的心里吗? 那你现在的心里是什么样的感觉呢? 想念一个负心的人应该很痛苦吧? 还是都已经心死了? 朋友曾经对我说过; 爱情消失的速度往往都是比来的时候快, 所以人才会去珍惜失去的感情…
我都了解你现在的感受, 寂寞, 孤独, 毫无安全感… 你也许需要多一点时间来收拾你的心情, 我知道你一定可以办得到, 一定可以克服他的回忆!!!
If one day you feel like crying.... call me.
I don’t promise that I will make you laugh, but I can cry with you.
If one day you want to run away don’t be afraid to call me.
I don’t promise to ask u to stop...... but I can run with you.
If one day you don’t want to listen to anyone..... call me.
I promise to be there for you but also promise to remain quiet.
But one day if you call......and there is no answer.....come fast to see me.
Perhaps I need you….
** 没有任何一样东西是比友情来的珍贵, 贴心, 永久的…. **
** 希望你们都好好去珍惜身边每一个朋友. (,”)(“,) **
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