Friday, February 29, 2008


Yah, I miss you so much...
Hope you have a great evening and sweet nite today.
Good nite!!

Once in every 4 years!!!

Today marked a special day for the whole world coz we only have once 29.02 every 4 years. Suppose to have a dinner wif ck n lucy them but as I said yesterday, it has been cancelled!!! I call off the plan. Not really in the mood to "ding dong" wif them... Since everyone also not free. Guess the movie outing this weekend also "dong guo shui".... =D Well, actually I didnt really see the outing this weekend to be on anyway.. Had a feeling of cancelling it too.

It's a sleepy day for me!!! Really really sleepy!!! I can feel my eyes getting heavier n heavier!!! hahahahhh.....

Ehm... I suspect there is something in between ck n lucy la but I'm not sure wat it is!! Just have a hard feeling on both of them! Am I too sensitive or they're too easy to get understand. I think must be because of the things that ck told me earlier!! Come on, ck, you're a guy, you have to step out first!! Be more confident and listen to your heart!! It will lead you the way to happiness.

From early morning I've been keep telling myself to post a blog today no matter wat coz today is the first time and the only time my blog to appear 29.02.08. This is a special day~


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bored drowned me!!

It's another boring Thursday!!!
Hands on still the same artwork checking.... check and check and check!!!
Yah, i miss you so much... Hope you wont be late tonite again! hahahh.... I don't really like guys to be late!! Guys should not have the habit of being late, tats not gentlemen! =P You should improve on this ya.

At first tot of having another dinner wif ck and lucy them tommorrow again but seems like they havent really "recover" from the incident last Friday!! Sigh... Really childish I would said. The dinner and drinking session started well in the beginning until some misunderstanding happened and the whole nite... sucks!!! What makes the situation worst is we have to cancel our movie outing on Sunday as well... Hahahh... Don't you think its a bit of childish meh? For whatever reasons also we cant just simply leave a party alone, rite? Tat's a kid's attitude!!! Yes, I would like to say you ruin the nite!!! And now? I have to think twice the next time I call you out again!!!

Guess tommorrow's dinner will be cancelled off again lol. So, better still I go for my badminton game and no more outing for the next couple of weeks (I think). Why must me to be the one who organize the dinner and outing??? Why must me to be the one to be blamed if something happen?? Why I'm always the one to receive rejection? Since no one appreciates why me???

bengang already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

2008年2月15日, 星期五, 很冷的一天

真的没想到原来我已经可以放下AS这个包袱了!! 终于我踏出第一步主动打电话给他, 跟他聊了几分钟, 问好一下大家。 其实感觉也不错啊! 才发觉原来大家都变了, 生活上也有很多改变。。。

可能人老了, 不再象以前一样那么任性, 那么天真! 现在做每一个决定都学会三思而后行, 考虑清楚才行动。 你可以笑我多余但是我真的不想再伤害到我自己和我身边的人了。 一次的错就已经足够让我领悟到爱情真的可遇不可求的, 当它来的时候你想挡也挡不著但当它要离你而去的时候无论你做什么也留不到它多一分钟!! 很可怕吧?! 经过那次的教训后我已学会珍惜我身边的人, 多爱惜自己多关心其他人!

也许当天他的决定是对的, 我们之间可能真的发展的太快了, 不太实在, 反而有点恐惧。 终于明白到失去也许不是一件坏事, 如果不是失去可能我们永远都不会懂得珍惜和满足! 无论我们选择放手或者抓紧, 结果都是一样, 时间是不会因为我们的决定而停止的。 既然如此为何还要为了一些我们改变不到的事实而过着痛苦的日子呢??

我知道要忘记所有不开心的回忆是很难的, 所以我选择了过着开心的日子, 把所有开心的MOMENT拍下来, 写下来, 记起来!! 那日子久了我的记忆中就只有开心的回忆咯!! =D


Thursday, February 14, 2008

2008年2月14日, 星期四, 忙碌的情人节

今天已经连续听了陶喆的<爱很简单>三次了! 我想连发梦也会唱。 虽然如此但是依然觉得很好听!!


"忘了是怎么开始 也许就是对你一种感觉;
忽然间发现自己 已深深爱上你 真的很简单。。"


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

2008年2月13日, 星期三, 不想工作的一天

还有一天就到情人节了!! 一直以来情人节都给我一个很多幻想空间的一天。 曾经幻想过我的爱人会为我做一个丰富的CANDLELIGHT DINNER, 送上我最喜爱的百合, 一边听着浪漫的COUNTRY MUSIC一边跳着舞。 那一刻是多么的浪漫, 甜蜜, 温暖的!!! 但是现实往往是残酷的, 绝对不是那么完美。 也可能不是我的福气不是我享吧。 到现在还是在梦想中寻找"我的爱人"。

今天我的同事收到她的HUSBAND的玫瑰花了, 情人节连同生日都是同一天! 真的羡慕死人了!! 结婚那么多年依然那么痴情, 那么浪漫。 突然间想起你了。。 我真的没想到我竟然在等待是否你也会送上你的情人节祝福, 给我一个惊喜?? 哈哈。。 真的傻!!

你。。。是否会送我浪漫的红色玫瑰呢?? 还是甜美的巧克力呢? 也许一句HAPPY VALENTINE已经足够了。。

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

2008年2月5日, 星期二, 状况不适

如果有一天你问我是否爱你, 我想我应该不懂得怎样回答你因为我们之间的关系已经超越了友谊但还没称得上爱情。。。 我想你也有同感吧?!

我想可能在这个世界上没有人会比你更了解我。 也许是时间的错误, 也许是我们彼此都觉得现在的我们是最舒服, 最适当的。 也可能这就是所谓的灰色地带吧。。。

Monday, February 4, 2008

2008年2月4日, 星期一, 阴天


救命啊!!! YY生病了!! 最无奈的当然是还要上班了!! 真的忙到快疯了!!
