Tuesday, March 11, 2008

11.03.08, Tuesday, Moody

Yah... It's a moody day!!!! Miss him so much! Daniel called from S'pore but then only to realise I have no mood to hear what he said. Not even one word....

Peter keep calling and sms me everyday, morning, lunch, night... Why Peter and not you? Do you know how much I wanted that the one who call and sms is you???

Not in the mood today!!! Really wanna sleep liao~


2008年3月11日, 星期二, 晴天

~ 人的一生追求什麼 ~

有一個美國商人坐在墨西哥海邊一個小漁村的碼頭上,看著一個墨西哥漁夫划著一艘小船靠岸。小船上有好幾尾大黃鰭鮪魚,這個美國商人對墨西哥漁夫能抓這 麼高檔的魚恭維了一番,還問要多少時間才能抓這麼多?墨西哥漁夫說,才一會兒功夫就抓到了。

美國人再問,你為甚麼不待久一點,好多抓一些魚? 墨西哥漁夫覺得不以為然: 這些魚已經足夠我一家人生活所需啦! 美國人又問:那麼你一天剩下那麼多時間都在幹甚麼?

墨西哥漁夫解釋:我呀?我每天睡到自然醒,出海抓幾條魚,回來後跟孩子們玩一玩,再跟老婆睡個午覺,黃昏時晃到村子裡喝點小酒,跟哥兒們玩玩吉他,我的日子可過得充滿又忙碌呢! 美國人不以為然,幫他出主意,他說:我是美國哈佛大學企管碩士,我倒是可以幫你忙!你應該每天多花一些時間去抓魚,到時候你就有錢去買條大一點的船。自然你就可以抓更多魚,在買更多漁船。然後你就可以擁有一個漁船隊。到時候你就不必把魚賣給魚販子,而是直接賣給加工廠。然後你可以自己開一家罐頭工廠。如此你就可以控制整個生產、加工處理和行銷。然後你可以離開這個小漁村,搬到墨西哥城,再搬到洛杉磯,最後到紐約。在那裡經營你不斷擴充的企業。

墨西哥,洛杉磯,紐約,這又花多少時間呢? 美國人回答:十五到二十年。 然後呢?
美國人大笑著說:然後你就可以在家當皇帝啦!時機一到,你就可以宣佈股票上市,把你的公司股份賣給投資大眾。 到時候你就發啦!你可以幾億幾億地賺! 然後呢?

美國人說:到那個時候你就可以退休啦!你可以搬到海邊的小漁村去住。每天睡到自然醒,出海隨便抓幾條魚,跟孩子們玩一玩,再跟老婆睡個午覺,黃昏時,晃到村子裡喝點小酒,跟哥兒們玩玩吉他囉! 墨西哥漁夫疑惑的說:我現在不就是這樣了嗎?人的一生,到底在追求甚麼?

那, 这个故事又带了怎样的看法给你呢? 你是否曾经问过自己到底你想要什么, 最想要追求的又是什么呢??

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Hahah.... What an easy day... No tight deadline, not much to rush.
Just need to "pretend to be busy"!! Hahah...

Another 14 minutes to go lolx... Going to buy the backpack at Carrefour later! Spot one few days ago, quite nice, look quite comfort n durable!! Hope it will last for long!!! =D

Cant wait for the Phuket trip liao!!! Another 11 days to go!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

04.03.08 (Part II)

Counting minutes to 17:30....
Going to leave office on time today coz later im going to FF liao.....
If possible im going to attend combat today!!! Heheh...
Dunno whether angie will be able to come or not leh? She hasn't been there for almost 2 weeks already!! Guess she must have some sense of guilty for wasting money and gaining weight recently! hahahh...

3 minutes to go......
Just enough for a pee n wash my cup. =D

04.03.08 (Part I)

Yah, im very very sleepy here....
Didnt get enuf sleep last nite so this is how i look like today!
(@_@) Hahah....

Ehm... today im a bit early to work but it's still jam in front of office. Heheh... As usual. Meet up lucy yesterday nite, talk a lot abt last last friday! Now only we realize we've missed out a lot of things tat nite and the source of the misunderstanding tat nite??! thanks to you, K!!! Luckily we talked to each other later and glad that we know wat exactly happened!!!!!

Well, i think tats a very good lesson for us to know how "GREAT" you are n how "INNOCENT" you are!!! OOps... I didnt mean to offence you, I know everyone is unique and they have their own way of doing things but sorry lol, we really cant accept your way at the moment. Guess you must have underestimate the relationship btw me, ck n lucy lol. We're closer than you can imagine!! Hahah... However I also understand your situation geh.

Sigh.... I think I have to leave this conversation behind me from now on. It's not a happy moment anyway, why must I talk so much on it, right? Better get something more interesting to talk about!!!!!!!!!!!!
